Autumn Meditation & Pranayama
Since autumn is all about slowing down, we can take a cue from the season and “detox” the busy, full energy of summer. This doesn’t mean doing anything extreme, but rather intentionally slowing down the mind and nourishing the body through simple more meditative practices.
Our physical yoga practice for Autumn naturally gets a bit slower, focusing on grounding, steady poses with twists to stimulate the digestive fire and also restorative postures, gentle inversions and more rest time in savasana. Also a great time to try out the deeply restorative practice of Yoga Nidra.
Read more about Autumn Yoga here: Autumn Yoga Goodness
Try a Grounding Yoga Nidra here: Students Resources
Tips for other practices for Autumn.
So in addition to a regular gentle yoga practice, take a few minutes each day for seated meditation. I love meditation, especially in the mornings in my pyjamas, when the house is quiet and before the day gets busy. It is a great way to ground the body, shift focus internally and stay aligned with the earth as it flows into the new season.
Since autumn is all about slowing down, we can take a cue from the season and “detox” the busy, full energy of summer. This doesn’t mean doing anything extreme, but rather intentionally slowing down the mind and nourishing the body through simple more meditative practices.
For some, the most challenging part of any yoga practice is sitting still and focusing on the breath— yet it can also be a powerful tool for focusing the mind and aligning the body with the mind and inner self. Pranayama is Sanskrit for “extension of the breath” or “expansion of the life force,” so in terms of reducing stress, the breath is your best ally for “expanding your life force.” As we shift into a slower season, use your breath to aid your ability to slow down and center yourself.
Try making a commitment to a morning meditation practice of just 10 minutes for one week and see if your days flow better.
Pranayama exercises for AUTUMN.
Bring the sun & fire energy into your energy body with :
SURYA BEDHANA / SUN BREATH or Right nostril breathing:
Using your right hand - Place your index and middle finger between the eyebrows, close your left nostril using the bent ring finger on your right hand. Inhale through your right nostril for 6-8 seconds, then exhale through the same nostril for 5-7 seconds. Repeat for 7-10 rounds, a few times a day. This will enhance the sun energy that helps keep the body warm as the temperature drops. You can place the left hand on your left thigh, palm up, in Jnana Mudra, index finger and thumb gently touching.
(If you find it difficult to sleep, try this on the left side – the Moon Breath, to cool and calm the system.)
Also try the UJJAYI breath:
I find this is very energising and centring. As you sit with a tall spine on a cushion, so that your knees are lower than your hip joints, imagine you are misting up a mirror with your out-breath through the mouth – HHHAAAA ... this squeezing / constricting at the back of the throat is what you want to feel, but with the mouth closed – some say it sounds like a baby snoring!! It is also called the OCEAN BREATH, as it sounds like waves rolling onto the beach. You can just use the constriction on the in-breath to start off with and then include the out-breath as well as you become more practiced.
With ALL pranayama practices, if you feel light-headed at all, STOP straight away and return to your normal breath.
According to Melissa Eisler on The Chopra Centre’s website:
has a balancing influence on the entire cardiorespiratory system, releases feelings of irritation and frustration, and helps calm the mind and body. With Ujjayi, there are so many benefits, providing good value for a simple practice. Here are a few benefits you may enjoy as a result of practicing the Ujjayi
- Increases the amount of oxygen in the blood
- Builds internal body heat
- Relieves tension
- Encourages free flow of prana / life-force.
- Regulates blood pressure
- Builds energy
- Detoxifies mind and body
- Increases feelings of presence, self-awareness, and meditative qualities
More on Yoga postures for Autumn here : Autumn Yoga Goodness