Thinking about starting Yoga?
So you have been thinking about starting yoga. You’ve read a magazine article, your friend started a while ago and you can see what a difference it has made….or maybe your GP has suggested it to get you moving and shaking...??? If you’re ready to take the plunge, here’s my 6 Top Tips to get you started …..

Kate and her students on the deck at the OM YOGA studio.
- Start out your tip-toe into yoga by finding a great teacher. YouTube will never replace a real human being who has passion and presence! Better to start with a moochie around the internet and get your head around the different styles of yoga and their benefits; which style would suit you and consider what you would like from a class.
- Find your local yoga teachers, read a few blogs, testimonials, check out Facebook pages. Best of all, ask around for personal recommendations.
- Choose a couple of teachers that appeal to you and seem to meet your needs. Then contact them and ask for a chat over the phone to discuss what you would like from taking up yoga (e.g. stretching out tight hamstrings, calming anxiety, coping with chronic pain…) and ask what you can expect from a typical class. Find out what they provide in the way of equipment. Explain that you’re new to yoga and looking to try a few different classes out before you commit to a weekly class.
- Think about your range of mobility for a general yoga class. Can you get up from and down onto the floor? Can you kneel, put weight on your wrists, lie on your front? on your back? If the answer is no to any of these, discuss it with your chosen yoga teacher so they can be prepared to provide you with props or a chair. It doesn’t mean that you can’t do yoga! The teacher needs the heads up so they can fit their lesson plan around you. Also if you are pregnant, have high or low blood pressure, sciatica, the teacher needs to know in advance to consider how they can tailor, at least part of the class, to your needs and consider how to modify certain postures for you within the class.
- Don’t be afraid to try a few different teachers and classes. I have had plenty of people who have come to my class once and never again! Either they moved on to a different teacher, the time wasn’t convenient or they found the class too slow / too fast / too boring / too much fun / too whatever. It doesn’t really matter. We are all unique individuals and need something personal from this special time that we have put aside ourselves. I am never offended if my style of yoga doesn’t suit someone. And I’m happy to signpost them to another teacher to go and try.
- ENJOY!!! Yoga is not a QUICK FIX…what I love about it is that Yoga is truly Life-Long Learning. There is so much to discover about how your body moves and how your mind likes to keep you busy! People are usually initially drawn to yoga for the physical practise and benefits, but once the postures become familiar, it becomes more of an inward journey of discovery. You will be amazed at what you find out about yourself!! So. Step up. Step onto a yoga mat and give it some time to settle into your mind, body and soul. Over time you will see small but lasting changes creep into your days, relationships and mood.
Practising yoga is one of the greatest gifts you can give yourself. It's where you connect mind, body and spirit
Donna Karan